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“Nehemiah was faithful to do what was in his hand which led him to do what was in his heart.” Pedro Garcia

Pastor Pedro Garcia shared those words while guest preaching at our church on Sunday. As soon as I heard those words I wrote them down . . . such simple words packed with spiritual truth! Be faithful to do what is in your hand and that will lead you to do what is in your heart.

This thought comes out of Nehemiah’s faithfulness to serve as the cupbearer to Persian King Artaxerxes, as recorded in Nehemiah chapter one. Nehemiah and his people did not belong in Persia (Babylon), they belonged in Jerusalem—but that’s where Nehemiah was when he received the call from God on his life. Nehemiah was living in voluntary exile!

The timing of the call came when Nehemiah heard about the condition of the descendants of those who had escaped the third invasion by Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon. The invasion had taken place about 140 years prior to this event. Nebuchadnezzar came to Jerusalem with his army and destroyed the city of Jersualem; burned the temple down and took the rest of the people to Babylon as slaves. However, there were some who had escaped—and these were the descendants that Nehemiah heard about; they were living under desperate conditions of prejudice and poverty.

This broke Nehemiah’s heart—he began to cry and mourn for his people for days! Then he fasted and prayed, confessing his sins and the sins of his people, making intercessions for their condition and praying for an opportunity with the king, who had the power to aid Nehemiah with what God had put in his heart—rebuild the walls of Jerusalem!

Has God inspired you with a particular vision? Do you see a need? Is your heart broken over the condition of your people?

Mourn. Fast. Pray.

Perhaps you're ready. Perhaps the people are ready. But perhaps the king isn't quite ready yet. While you wait on God as He perfects the opportunity: be faithful to do what is in your hand, and He will fulfill what is in your heart!

“For the vision is yet for the appointed time; it hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; for it will certainly come, it will not delay." Habakkuk 2:3

Be encouraged, and may God bless you as you wait . . .


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