“Huh? What did you say? I can’t hear you!” Yes, almost daily someone in my home will say those words, and no doubt you know what I’m talking about! There are so many noises and distractions: cell phones, iPads, laptops, television . . . . you name it! Noise exists in my home. But there is an amazing button labeled “power” and we have the power to turn it off! This is the thing: when the electronic power gets turned off, my voice gets turned on in my home, and that changes everything!
It is the love-hate thing of my life. Electronic devices are so helpful; they help me stay connected with family, friends, and ministry; all of which I love and are important to me! But I do despise them when they interfere with my voice; when I’m not being heard or when they compete for my attention in general. Do you know what I mean? Electronics are the very thing that can help us stay connected and yet also help to keep us from being connected!
Electronics can also affect our connection with God, for the better or for the worse. It depends on whether we use them or they use us. They are a huge distraction often drowning out the voice of God. It is sad that the God of all creation must compete with artificial intelligence! Electronics are a very effective tool in the enemy’s arsenal!
In Revelation 2:7 Jesus said, “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says.” This is the first time in the Revelation that Jesus says those words, but it’s not the last time. Hearing God speak is a choice, “He who has an ear….” This really is a rhetorical question; in essence, “Do you really want to hear what I have to say to you?” God is speaking, it’s our choice to listen or not. Whether it’s making time by turning off the distractions, or having a heart that sincerely wants to hear what God is saying; it’s really up to us to put ourselves in a position to hear what the Spirit is saying.
Sometimes we don’t really want to hear God speak and so we allow the distractions and the noise to continue. Why? Ignorance, fear, and accountability. We can be ignorant of the fact that God is indeed interested and really does have plans for our daily life. He has thoughts about the choices we are making right now! He is a God of detail, and He is a loving involved Parent. He cares about the choices we make every day, and He knows what those perfect choices are for us in advance.
Sometimes there is fear; some assume God is waiting to be acknowledged so that He can dole out a spanking, as if God needs our permission to do so! Having a fear-factor is not the same as having holy fear, which is reverence, and is healthy, being prescribed in the Bible. And then there is the issue of accountability. If we hear God speak suddenly we become aware that we are accountable for what we have heard. We now find ourselves in a position to accept or reject what we have heard. No longer can we remain ignorant, fearful, neutral or passive—no more excuses; we must choose what to do with what we have heard.
Remember, God loves you and me, and He wants His best for us! ANYTHING He has to say to us is rooted in love and intended for our good and for a good outcome! He wants to protect us from bad choices that may lead to harm. He wants to give us His good and perfect counsel. He is not stingy nor does He play guessing games. He see’s the future from the past and He wants to take us there in His peace. He has thoughts and plans for us to be fulfilled. Don’t you want to know what God’s thoughts and plans are for you?
I know we already know all of this. But if we're honest, the story of our lives might tell a contrary tale!
He has something to say because He cares more for you than anyone else ever has! He has proven his passionate love; look at His scars! Those scars are the proof of the most extravagant love anyone has ever had for you!
What important message could this extravagant loving God want to communicate to you today? Are you willing to turn off the distractions and turn on your heart to His voice? Do you really want to hear Him speak? Do you have an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying? "Speak Lord, your servant is listening."
Just listen….