I have you on my heart, on my mind, and in my prayers! Many of the beloved are not in active service right now. Not in the same old familiar way, anyway. For whatever reason, and there are plenty of reasons, many gifted, talented, and seasoned servants aren’t actively serving, or are greatly reduced in serving, right now. Why? As I already said, there are plenty of reasons why.
I’ll share with you something that the Lord spoke to my heart many years ago while I was pondering this very thing. “DO YOU WANT A POSITION OR DO YOU WANT TO SERVE ME?” It got real simple real quick! “Of course I want to serve you, Lord!” Everything that was so complicated and tangled up in my mind suddenly became crystal clear. And God took me up on my response. Boy did He ever! The vision didn’t come right away for the “new thing” but I just kept walking. In fact those were the very words I heard Him speak to my heart over and over and over again, “You, just keep walking.”
God is always up to something—and that includes you too! Don’t settle for the thought that you’ve been shelved or that you’ve been disqualified. Maybe there have been events that have happened; even some that you are totally responsible for, and so your days are quiet just now. Okay. But it’s not a forever life sentence! IT’S NOT PERMANENT!
You are highly treasured and valued. In fact, you are priceless! You’re so priceless, that it took the pure spotless blood of Jesus so that He could have you with Him forever! Not only so that He could have you with Him forever—but you are A CHOSEN RACE, A ROYAL PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR GOD’S OWN POSESSION! And, why? So that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light! (1 Peter 2:9) Does any of that sound like shelf material to you? I don’t think so.
So, that’s it right there! That’s what HE has called you to do! You start proclaiming God’s excellencies right where you are. And then just watch and see what God will do!
If this is you, your banner verse is this: “Do not call to mind the former things, or ponder things of the past. Behold, I will do something new, now it will spring forth; will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.” (Isaiah 43:18-19)
"Will you not be aware of it?" Hello? Stop looking at what was. He's not doing that anymore! He's doing something new! I love the intended sarcasm in the text because that's so how we are. Too busy looking at what was that we miss out on what is right in front of us!
Maybe today your plate is full, even to overflowing, with active service. Put this is in your back pocket. You never know what events may take place where you could begin to wonder if your service is no longer required.
God never wastes His people. I can’t stress this enough, YOU ARE PRECIOUS TO GOD! YES, YOU! The place He is taking you is just new—because He is doing a new thing! It’s just a new thing. That’s all! Thank Him and give Him all praise that He’s not doing an old thing! Hallelujah?
So, could this be a word for you right now?
Listen . . .