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Is it well with your husband...? 2 Kings 4:26

About . . .

"What is the biggest problem married women are experiencing in the church and why are they not more affective today?" That was the question I was asked  after a lecture I had just given at a women's Bible study. The first word that came to mind was the verse from 2 Kings, "Is it well with your husband?" It was as if I didn't need to say another word, but I did!  That verse has subsequently become the theme verse for BOOT CAMP FOR THE MARRIED WOMAN'S SOUL, Bible Study.


Good marriages don’t just happen—disasters just happen! Every married couple should be doing something to encourage and strengthen their marriage.

BOOT CAMP FOR THE MARRIED WOMAN'S SOUL is a Bible study designed for married women to gain insights, encouragement, and hope through in-depth Bible study combined with directed daily homework. This Bible study truly is a life changing experience!






Lesson One “Reality!”

This lesson digs deep into the importance of a woman’s thought life. What a woman thinks plays a real-life role in all of her relationships, but no more importantly than in her marriage! You will learn step-by-step practical instruction on how to train your thoughts to be in agreement with God's Word. This is truly life changing!


Lesson Two “Blessings”

Discover the real and powerful blessings God pours out on marriage, as well as how a woman can literally bless her own husband. Too often this is a neglected and forgotten aspect of Christian marriage. You will also learn how to connect the hallmarks of your Christian faith to your relationship with your husband.


Lesson Three “Your Body Is Not Your Own”

Intimacy is an important and powerful component in marriage that can easily get off track. This lesson exposes attitudes and misunderstandings that undermine intimacy in marriage. These insights can be very helpful towards encouraging and restoring marital intimacy.


Lesson Four “The Submissive Wife, Get Real!”

Biblical submission can be so misunderstood. This lesson gets real and looks at biblical submission from a unique perspective that many Christian women miss. There is much gain for the submissive wife!


Lesson Five “Raise the Bar and Don’t Cross Those Lines”

There are certain lines that should never be crossed in marriage and yet often women are either unaware or they simply don’t care anymore about these basics in marriage. This lesson covers those areas and deals very specifically with “raising the bar” of a woman’s personal integrity within her marriage.


Lesson Six “Commitment and Loyalty”

Commitment and loyalty are two essentials in marriage that build a foundation of trust and a lifetime of fidelity. These essentials take place in a woman’s mind and in the choices that she makes every day. How committed and loyal are you, really?


Lesson Seven “Forgetting What Lies Behind”

Disappointments are real and have a real impact on the marriage relationship. Whether an event occurred or a dream is never realized; moving forward can become impossible if a woman cannot let go of what lies behind. This lesson gives unique biblical insights and practical instruction.


Lesson Eight "What Have You Gained?"

Review of all seven lessons.



It's important to meet with other married women to discuss your BOOT CAMP FOR THE MARRIED WOMAN'S SOUL homework; enlighten one another, receive encouragement, accountability, and to pray for one another.
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